Thursday, October 14, 2010

Let's Go to the Movies!

We had such a fun time at the movies this afternoon. We took the kids to see "The Socerer's Apprentice", which was really cute, and Emma couldn't stop talking! She was so excited to see the "moobie" and eat "potcorn". She did really well for about an hour into the movie and then started to walk around the back of the theatre. Many times I would hear this little voice "what happened?" which is her new phrase. At one point in the movie she repeated the character's words "I did it!", another one of her new phrases. Muffled chuckles were heard around our seats. I didn't mind her enthusiasm considering for the past few days she has not been feeling well, it was good to see the old Emma back.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How cute! I love seeing all their smiles, and Emma is just the prettiest thing!