Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween 2010

Farmers, Pirates, and Flowers, Oh My! Happy Halloween from the Cassat's! This year Stephen dressed like a Pirate, but refused earrings or mustaches; Emma was the cutest little flower, until she realized she was wearing a head band and then off it came and I dressed like a farmer for the school parade. Our ward had a trunk-or-treat activity the week before so we were all ready for the big candy haul. The kids dressed up for our gym's halloween party the morning of the 30th and out we went that same night. The night was cold and damp so we only went up and down our street.

Emma has figured out how to open candy wrappers but she doesn't eat the candy; rather she hands it off to the nearest person which is usually me. Who am I to discourage fine motor skill development? Let's just say I've eaten waaaay too many chocolate bars in the past hour!
Meet our house guest, Mr. Jack O. Lantern.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Emma is full of adorableness and Stephen cracks me up as always! Sounds like a fun family time! Thanks for these posts, I really love seeing what you're all up to ♥ Berit