Saturday, March 13, 2010

Home Improvements

For the past few months we have been busy painting and re-decorating our home. Not an easy task with work and kid schedules conflicting. The only time I can paint is when Emma is napping in the afternoon or wait for the weekend. Greg and I seem to be a good team. He paints the ceilings (can't let all that height go to waste!) and I trim and paint the walls, along with prepping the walls. A year ago we finished our family/kitchen rooms and I am soooo happy to say that the wallpaper came down in the living room. We still have to finish decorating but at least the cosmetic foundation is on. We now have fresh(er) walls and the hallway is done too! Now on to our bedroom, door replacements and flooring! Will it ever end????

Fun with Cousins!

Stephen and Emma's cousins, Parker and Cameron, came to stay with us for a day and they all had a busy day playing and eating. The weather was crummy, drizzling off and on but they still founds lots to do and lots to get into. The kids looked so great playing and getting along together I just had to snap a few pictures. Even Emma got in on all the fun playing with the big boys. A McDonald's lunch was just the ticket for these four busy kids.