Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween 2010

Farmers, Pirates, and Flowers, Oh My! Happy Halloween from the Cassat's! This year Stephen dressed like a Pirate, but refused earrings or mustaches; Emma was the cutest little flower, until she realized she was wearing a head band and then off it came and I dressed like a farmer for the school parade. Our ward had a trunk-or-treat activity the week before so we were all ready for the big candy haul. The kids dressed up for our gym's halloween party the morning of the 30th and out we went that same night. The night was cold and damp so we only went up and down our street.

Emma has figured out how to open candy wrappers but she doesn't eat the candy; rather she hands it off to the nearest person which is usually me. Who am I to discourage fine motor skill development? Let's just say I've eaten waaaay too many chocolate bars in the past hour!
Meet our house guest, Mr. Jack O. Lantern.

Busy October

This has been quite a busy month for us at home. I was released from my position in Primary and Greg & I were given new callings as Sunday School team teachers for the 15-17 year olds. We are excited for this change and chance to teach together and have fun with a bunch of great kids.

Greg & I celebreated our 11th wedding anniversary with dinner and a movie. Greg surprised me with flowers at work. What a guy!

We've been doing some small home improvements and clean out. Stephen has been busy in school and Emma is...well, just busy every moment of every day.

A few days ago we took the kids to Gardner Village, a village of boutique-type stores that decorate all out for Halloween. We went on a Witch Hunt, finding all kinds of witches throughout the village. At the end we enjoyed yummy chocolate chip cookies. It is such a chick place but Greg had fun watching the kids look for witches and pose for the camera.

My Boys

I love this picture. Greg bribed Stephen with dinner out if he came to General Priesthood Session with him. It worked. As Stephen was getting ready, I looked at my 9 year old son and suddenly saw a 12 year old. He has grown so much in such a little time. They both had a nice night together, just the boys. (Emma and I had a bonding night also doing a bit of shopping!) I am so blessed to have these two men in my life and for a husband who honors his priesthood. Life is wonderful with a wonderful man by your side. I love you guys!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Let's Go to the Movies!

We had such a fun time at the movies this afternoon. We took the kids to see "The Socerer's Apprentice", which was really cute, and Emma couldn't stop talking! She was so excited to see the "moobie" and eat "potcorn". She did really well for about an hour into the movie and then started to walk around the back of the theatre. Many times I would hear this little voice "what happened?" which is her new phrase. At one point in the movie she repeated the character's words "I did it!", another one of her new phrases. Muffled chuckles were heard around our seats. I didn't mind her enthusiasm considering for the past few days she has not been feeling well, it was good to see the old Emma back.

Love Your Body!

October 9, 2010

Love Your Body 10k

4 friends, 1 mom

Beautiful Thanksgiving Point

Missing course signs + misdirected runners (me!) = 7+ miles

Time: 1:05

Confidence, endurance, acceptance

Love Your Body!

Gotta love the early morning pre-run photo!
Thanks ladies for a great event!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fat Lip

Dining out one night at Chick-Fil-A Emma took a nose dive off the playground bench and the result is thus: fat lip and goose egg on the forehead. As you can see it didn't slow her down much, just made for a sillier smile. Sorry baby!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Calvin & Hobbes

This year in school, Stephen is learning about poem structures and styles. The following is his quatrain poem on his favorite subject, Calvin and Hobbes. I was so amazed at the maturity of his poem, as was his 4th grade teacher I just had to publish it for all to enjoy. This is going in his scrapbook.
Calvin and Hobbes like to play football.

They never learn the rules at all.

Hobbes likes to pounce on him all the time.

Then they like to bet a nickel or a dime.


This fall we signed Stephen up for soccer again, hoping that this will be the year he finally gets the game and rules. Well, our patience has finally paid off. He has been enjoying playing the game and contributing to the team's efforts, not just following the ball around. This last weekend he not only played well, he SCORED! I regret I didn't catch the moment on digital. I was too busy shouting encouragement, direction and jumping around, totally acting like the typical crazy soccer mom. I was so proud of Stephen that I just about cried and he took it all in stride acting like it was no big deal. Way to play Stephen!