Wednesday, January 30, 2013

New Beginnings

Now that we're settled in as much as we are going to it's time for some new beginnings.  Stephen began Middle School 6th grade in December just 2 weeks before the winter break.  Now he's in full term swing of things.  Emma is happily attending preschool for 5 (yes!) days a week & loves every day.  Mom isn't working and is enjoying having workout time, being home taking care of things and making sure everyone is fed & happy.  Greg likes his new job.  Our new life is good.
First day of preschool

Exploring a hiking trail

Getting used to the sand

It should be noted that Stephen was too cool to get his picture taken on his first day of school.  can't say that I blame him - preteen that he is. :)

Yep, I'm 40

Anti-aging cream

Loreal hair color

Post workout ibuprophen


Bed by 10:00 p.m.

Yep, I'm 40...

...And lovin' it

OK so I don't got to bed by 10:00 and the music isn't too loud to listen to but I am 40 and am looking forward to the best year of my life with the man I love, the kids I'm raising & enjoying my prime!  Look out, here I come!

More Christmas

Here's a look at more of our awesome Christmas holiday...

Decorating sugar cookies

Can't have too many M&M's

Musical Princess Books

New Wii game...Hot Wheels Track Attack
"How did you know?"

Poor Grandpa
The Christmas sleeping fairies got him yet again! :)

Christmas in Oregon

Hurrying to get unpacked & set up Christmas before the actual holiday brought excited stress as we were also gearing up for Christmas in Oregon.  Grandpa Don graciously rented a house in Sunriver, OR (a beautiful resort town) for the entire Cassat families to spend the holidays.  After driving 4+ hours longer than we should have (icy roads throughout the mountain pass) we made it to our destination & yummy homemade chili.  It was so great to see everyone's been a while.  The fun began with an early christmas morning (Sunday the 23rd) exchanging gifts, smiles & jokes.  The snow was deep, the house warm & the food never ending.  On the 24th we all headed up to Mt. Bachelor for skiing lessons & shredding the moutain.  Yes, even I tried skiing & found myself enjoying it once I got going.  Stephen had taken my skis, I took Greg's (too big), tried to find them, spent an hour locating Stephen's and got to my lesson with only 1/2 hour left of instructions before hitting the bunny hill.  I got down the hill (more like a mountain to me!) and survived!  Even Emma played in the snow with her ski instructor.  She got outfitted with pink skis and pink goggles to match her pink coat & bibs.
Looking less than enthused
The night before we couldn't get the skis off her!

"My legs are tired!"

Nice wedge!

Our New Place

Finally!  We were so blessed to have found what Greg calls "the least weird house" in the Monterey area.  The story goes...every morning I checked Craigslist for new house listings, make inquires & wait for responses.  One fast Sunday night, after praying & fasting for a home, I checked the computer...nothing new.  The next morning, however, listed this house in Pacific Grove.  The price, location, good school district & square footage was EXACTLY what we needed & wanted.  We met the owners (who just closed on it a few days earlier), loved it on sight, & got the approval.  We were the only family to see this house.  We love it.  It's close to Greg's work, both kids' schools with the highway not too far off.  Even the church house is close.  We couldn't have asked for a better situation.

Wipe your feet!  Sandy soil tracks easily into the house :)

Our backyard...full of trees. 
It's not uncommon to see squirrels chasing each other from limb to limb

NOTE:  watch out for deer in the cul de sac & also rummaging racoons in your garbage cans!