Saturday, March 12, 2011

Piano Federation 2011

Doesn't he look handsome!?
Every March there is a piano competition of sorts. I say that because you're not competing against anyone else but you are judged for your performance - memorization, timing, knowledge of the piece components, etc. Anyway, Stephen's judging was last Friday, March 11. He did fantastic! He has been working hard on his two songs, "The Acrobat" and "With a Yo-Ho-Ho", for so many weeks that I could probably play them by heart. It's nice to have it over with and move on to different music. This is good competition for Stephen to build confidence and be rewarded for his hard work without competing against anyone else. Nice job Stephen!

Where's Emma?

Can you find Emma?
This was too funny not to post. We went to Old Navy the other day and as soon as I walked in to grab a cart, Emma darted away from me, saying something about seeing the doggie. I turned around and couldn't see her right away. She had climbed up on the manequin stand and was hiding in plain sight! She stood so still that you really would have believed she belonged there, until she began to speak. What's even funnier is that when I went to get her off the stand, I didn't notice ANOTHER child (about 10 yrs. old or so) stood with the manequins also. When he moved away, I totally freaked out and then began to laugh!